Help accessing Stoker from outside of LAN

A couple of things -

1)for now, forget about DYNDNS and use only IP.
2)Make sure you are using the WAN IP address of your router. Log into the router and find this address.
3)Attach a PC to the Router and go to Is the IP address you got from the router the same as you see at that web site? If not use the IP address of what you see at what’sMyIp.COM
4)Get on the internet from outside your LAN and ping the address you got from what’sMyIP. Does it respond?

If not then it sounds as if your ISP is blocking inbound connections to Ping, WWW and more than likely Telnet services.

If this is the case then attempts to connect to these services from the internet is blocked before it even hits your cable modem. They will tell you they do this to prevent DOS attacks or whatnot.

As I said in the above post you need to configure these things:

In summary, setup 4 things:
1)IP reservation for the Stoker (on the router)
2)Port Mapping (on router)
3)IP forwarding (on router)
4)DHCP on the Stoker

Sounds like you only did IP forwarding. When you say,

"I forwarded port 80 in the router to the stoker ip address"

I think you actually mean IP forwarding. Port mapping and IP forwarding are 2 different things.

1 other thing to try - Get an XP Pro machine and setup IIS to run on port 80. Attach that machine directly to the cable/DSL modem. That is, unplug it from the router and plug it into the PC. Next, do Start->Run and type cmd then enter. Type IPCONFIG to find your IP address.

Using another device connected to the internet try to open http://address_of_pc/ and see what you get. If it times out then configure IIS to run on port 8080 and goto http://address_of_pc:8080.
If this works then your ISP is blocking port 80 and not port 8080 so you'll need to configure port mapping.

Finally got this to work. I started off with a DLink DIR615 then tried my own Dlink 655 and got the same thing. Yesterday went to Fry's and picked up a Linksys WRT120N. So much easier to configure. forward port 80 to the stoker. - instant success. Not sure why the Dlinks would not work, tried everything, they call if virtual servers. Not sure and do not want to waste my time figuring out why - the linksys is much easier. Thanks for all your input!
I'm having an odd issue with ability to access remotely (via Blackberry). If a meat probe is plugged in the Stoker, I cannot access the web page. When I remove the meat probe and leave the pit sensor and fan plugged in the web page is accessible after a reboot.

Has anyone else experienced this or know why I'm having this problem?

