Hello from Wisconsin


Keith Runnells

New member
New WSM owner and doing my first St. Louis style ribs from Costco today.

I have always thought smoking to be intimidating but since I found this forum and the info found here really helpful.
The members here are wonderful and the freedom to dispense their knowledge is what really makes this work.

Welcome to the forum Keith. You already know what makes the site work. Congrats on the WSM and good luck on the cook. Remember, we like pics here.
Many of us have said the same thing, we are our own worst critics. I will bet the family loved the effort and really, that is what matters. Congrats on a good cook.

The ribs were a hit!
I thought there was room for improvement but that's just me being hard on myself.
Greetings fellow cheesehead!

Don't know if it's the version that you did, but if not - you gotta' try the BRITU (search it and you'll understand what I mean)

