Hello from Western MA!



New member
Hi all. I just got a new Weber 22" smoker. Was about $350 shipped and no tax from buy dig. They had a coupon for mem day weekend. Got it yesterday and started the ribs. Came out pretty well from my standpoint. Used that beginner recipe ribs I the cooking recipe page. I tried the fire method he suggested with 1/2 lit and 1 chimney unlit under the coals. After 2.5 hrs the temp started creeping around 200. So I added 1/2 chimney of lit coals at that point and the temp spiked for a couple minutes until I could figure out the vent settings for that. All in all a good learning day! Also ribs tasted great, much better than the foil wrapped ribs I used to make in the oven.

1.Does the membrane in back of ribs take forever to peel off or is it just me?
2. The apple/hickory chips I got look just like slivers, for that do I put in more handfuls? I put 2 small dry handfuls but it didn't taste real "smokey" afterwards. Do I put more in during the cooking process or should I put them in wet?

Welcome and contrats on the WSM. Rather than wood chips use wood chunks. Use the Amazon link from this site and do a search for "wood chunks". The site will get a percentage that helps to run it. Home Depot and Lowe's also carry chunks but sometimes the selection is limited. Amazon and other online stores normally have better selections. Many different recipes will give you a good idea about how many wood chunks to use. Just don't overdo it with smoke. Good Luck.
Welcome aboard David! As Bob said, use wood chunks rather than chips. Just
be careful you don't overdo the amount you use, but you will need to experiment
with how much smoke you want on your meats and adjust from there.
welcome to the site... membrane should come off easy but if you dont have enough practice it will take a minute..

