Hello From the Chilly Florida Panhandle


David Curran

New member
Old and cold sand dune Bubba (David Curran) introducing himself from the Fla. Panhandle. When we all thaw out - and while on that subject, it's hard to find some of those that support global warming when there is a foot of ice & snow on t 1/2 the Earth !! Anyway, when we thaw out, I hope to meet a lot of new friends here and gain a lot of new info about Smokin'...I'm also known in the ham radio world as KB4ET. Thanks for allowing me to join y'all...
Didn't you hear. Global warming is the cause of the current cold spell that most of the northern hemisphere is going through. Got to love those scientists and their ability to mold the facts to support their theories. Welcome to the group.

