Hello from Sydney Australia


AdamS Oz

New member
Hello all,
I'm Adam from Sydney and found this forum through searching for a bbq controller - found the HeaterMeter by Bryan and am going to build one (or three).
I'm relatively new to Charcoal BBQ - well not quite true but sorta.

In Australia there is not as much a tradition for Charcoal grill style BBQ. I grew up with BBQ's that were wood fired (we live in the country on a farm) with a solid plate to cook on.
This translated into a solid plate gas BBQ (flat top - no oven).

I only really discovered hooded BBQ's recently (2 yrs ago) & then graduated into charcoal, grilled, direct, indirect, smoked, etc. This has been an experience.

So my BBQ equipment is now (hope it will not grow further - running out of space)
Kamado (Royal like one - Chinese import)
Gas BBQ similar to a weber 320Q
Indian Tandoor (Charcoal)
Hark smoker (gas)
Cyprus grill (triple rotisserie - Charcoal)
Plain charcoal grill
Open firepit (not really for cooking just nice to look at a real fire)

Now I'm off to read all about the HM & look into a case ....


Welcome to the forums Adam! You'll find that you are going to spend a LOT of time here - it's that much fun!

