Hello from Northern Virginia!



New member
Hello everyone!

I just recently bought both a Weber Performer and Weber Smokey Mountain 18.5". I'll soon be moving out of my apartment into a townhouse so I can grill/smoke some good eats!

Look forward to learning a lot from everyone and helping where I can! :)
Welcome PK. So are they just sitting in boxes in your apartment waiting to be used? That would drive me bonkers.
Welcome PK. So are they just sitting in boxes in your apartment waiting to be used? That would drive me bonkers.

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

Bob - The performer and the Smokey Mountain are currently sitting on my balcony. I move in a couple weeks, till then I'm trying to figure out the best brisket rub and technique. I'm a newbie, so this will all be fun. I plan on smoking/grilling some good meat the same day I move in. :) And yes...it is driving me bonkers. I think it's driving my wife bonkers because I want to buy so many other things for my grilling/smoking (i.e Maverick ET732, boning knife, etc)

