Hello from Maryland


Anthony N

TVWBB Member
Received my WSM 22.5 in the mail Saturday (already had a Weber 22 inch Kettle with a Craycort cast iron grate). Smoked a chicken Sunday (or at least tried to, waited too long after 5 hours of running coals and didn't properly maintain heat; had to finish it in the oven). Also tried to destroy my thermometer transmitter by putting it in the smoker instead of running the probes through the port.

So yeah, I need to be here.
Welcome Anthony! Yeah, you might need some of the helpful hints you'll find on this forum. There is no shortage of people willing to help out. We like pictures.
Welcome to the forum Anthony. We ALL screw up. Just don't sweet the small stuff and learn from your mistakes. You will do great. Congrats on that new WSM. This is a great place to learn. An yes, we do like pictures here.
Welcome Anthony, glad to hear you got a new WSM. I've been looking for one on Craigslist but might have to buy a new one.
Haven't done this in a while (posting pictures on a message board, that is)...


Foiled potatoes as the chicken continues to smoke.
Welcome from NW Florida, this is an awesome site and people are very helpful with great suggestions and Ideas. Make sure to snap some photos of your cooks and post and share them in the photo gallery. Congrats on the new toy and its easy to get use to. And the port holes make it so much easier to use the thermometers on it.

