Hello from Central AL


John - au4stree

TVWBB Member
Hello folks, been lurking for a while. I’ve been bbq’n for 20+ years. Some of it in the competition world, but vast majority in the back yard with friends and family. I love cooking on all units, but don’t really like gas. Currently have a PBC, kettle w/SNS, Primo XL and PK360. I have been coveting a WSM to replace my PBC.

I look forward to learning from all the WSM vets.
Grill on!
Welcome! I've heard great things about the PK360, how do you like yours?
I love it, very responsive to vent adjustments. Having 2 on bottom and 2 on top makes 2-zone cooking easy. Plus I’ve found the round vent knobs are the perfect size for a BBQ Guru. I’ve traveled with it, smoked everything but a full packer brisket on it.
I love it, very responsive to vent adjustments. Having 2 on bottom and 2 on top makes 2-zone cooking easy. Plus I’ve found the round vent knobs are the perfect size for a BBQ Guru. I’ve traveled with it, smoked everything but a full packer brisket on it.
Hey John - welcome to the forum! I have a PK360 as well. I'd like to see a pic sometime on how you set it up with your BBQ guru... I'm guessing you close one vent, plug the hole in the back side of the other and stick the fan in the front hole? I have a party Q that still works and although using the PK360 "stock" seems to work OK I have some issues running under 250.

I have a WSM 22 as well - I fire that up when I do ribs, brisket, or anything else that doesn't fit in my PK. The WSM is a lot of fun to cook on, and if you want to hang ribs, you can definitely make it happen. The rack from a gate way cooker fits just fine in the 22 WSM. I has some flare ups the first couple of times I hung the ribs so I jimmied up a fire dial just over the charcoal basket to help limit that issue.

Generally I don't mess with hanging unless I'm just experimenting, but now I have a good way to cook more than 3 racks at a time, you know, if COVID-19 ever ends, and I get to cook for a crowd again. :rolleyes:
Hey John - welcome to the forum! I have a PK360 as well. I'd like to see a pic sometime on how you set it up with your BBQ guru... I'm guessing you close one vent, plug the hole in the back side of the other and stick the fan in the front hole? I have a party Q that still works and although using the PK360 "stock" seems to work OK I have some issues running under 250.

I have a WSM 22 as well - I fire that up when I do ribs, brisket, or anything else that doesn't fit in my PK. The WSM is a lot of fun to cook on, and if you want to hang ribs, you can definitely make it happen. The rack from a gate way cooker fits just fine in the 22 WSM. I has some flare ups the first couple of times I hung the ribs so I jimmied up a fire dial just over the charcoal basket to help limit that issue.

Generally I don't mess with hanging unless I'm just experimenting, but now I have a good way to cook more than 3 racks at a time, you know, if COVID-19 ever ends, and I get to cook for a crowd again. :rolleyes:
My system is not highly sophisticated, but it works. I’ve seen better setups with the Guru. I’m in the process of redoing my deck, so I’m throwing a brisket point on for my fellow workers(my sons), they work cheap(they don’t have a choice). I’ve learned over time to use a Velcro strap to help brace the Guru to the PK, as it coooks the unit wanted to fall a bit thus creating a air gap.

The aluminum plug works.....I’ve seen people put a 1.5” test plug in the back, but requires taking vent tube out. I’m too lazy for that and it is more permanent than the foil.


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