Hello from Calgary AB



New member
Hi everyone. I've been a long time lurker and read many valuable tips here. I thought I should make an account and actually contribute.

I have a Weber Genesis natural gas grill and a Webber 22inch Premium Kettle.

I'm not a good BBQer. My idea of bbq was always get it super hot and then cook your meat over it.
However, I've started really enjoying the art of grilling after getting my kettle and am trying different things like smoking on it using the snake method and using charcoal trays to keep the coals on one side and learning about direct and indirect heat along with vent controls.

I've started experimenting with different charcoals as well.

Thanks for the wealth of knowledge here.
I plan on posting my successes and failures and learn from it!
Welcome Jay as you know there is a world of knowledge on here and it's yours for the asking.
looking forward to your posts.

