Heeeeerrrrre's Lunch!

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Keri C

TVWBB Wizard
Hi, all,

Got the urge late last night, threw the brace of birds in a honey brine, thawed the ribs, got up at 6:00, did the do, and had a yummy lunch. The picture's not so great, but I was short on time and the ribs they were a-coolin'. BB ribs had Blues Hog and Mary's Cherry rubs, plus a little turbo sugar sprinkled on for good measure. One rack pumped, one not. Unpumped were perfect texture. Pumped tasted great, but were falling apart tender to the point that I couldn't pick up the rack without it falling apart. A bit too tender for my taste, but still very good. Store-bought potato salad wasn't touched, sugar-free coleslaw was good as always.

Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here.

<daintily dabbing white linen napkin at corner of mouth, whilst trying to hide bucket of clean rib bones>

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time

Man Please!!! Does that look good.... Mmmm... /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif


bugg /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
Wow! Whatchya mean the picture's not great. That could be a calendar shot.

I concur.....Mmmmmmm!

Did you do the chickens on that roasting rack or just put them on that to cool? BTW what is wrong with the picture? Looks good enough to eat!
Forget the ribs and chicken. I want to know - what's the liquid in the glass?

But seriously, it all looks great. I'm just guessing, but KC to Tulsa is probably about a 6 hour drive. Had I known, I could have left when you started and been there just in time for lunch.
Gal, the honey brine is Kevin Taylor's poultry brine. I only left my birds in for about 9 hours before pulling them to sit in the refrig to dry for about 3 hours. I did not use the Tender Quick, because the flavor does not completely appeal to me in chicken. Kevin, I hope you don't mind...


From the kitchen of Kevin Taylor, the BBQ GURU

1 gallon water
1 cup kosher (coarse) salt
1 cup honey
2 tablespoons Tender Quick
3 bay leaves
1/4 teaspoon cloves
1/2 teaspoon pickling spice (your choice)

Bring to boil. Let settle back to room temperature

If injecting, inject in breasts, thighs and legs...about 2 ounces in each. Let sit refrigerated for 24 hours.

If soaking, submerge entire bird in brine for 48 hours under refrigeration.

Bruce, yes, I did do the chicken on the roasting rack. I started them breast side down in the roasting rack that you see, on the bottom rack of the WSM at 7:00 am (ribs were on top rack), then flipped them to breast side up about 10:00 am, to continue cooking till about 11:30. They were actually at 185 in the thigh by that time, so I got them a bit overdone, but still very moist and juicy. Using cherry smoke gives them a great color, I think. They were actually a little darker than the picture shows.

And Sam, darlin', just what do you THINK is in the glass? It's BBQ on the table - what ELSE would it be except for sweet iced tea? /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time
(think I'll go grab a cold rib for a late night snack...)
Keri, that was a great pic.
It inspired me to smoke up some chicks and spares today. No honey brine, but great food all the same.
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