HeaterMeter isn't showing up online



TVWBB Member
I got my heatermeter 4.3 built and running. I got it connected to my WIFI network as well, and yesterday, it was showing up on the website http://heatermeter.com/devices/. Today I went to show it off to my daughter and it never shows up on the website. I can go to the IP address of the Heatermeter and get into the WebUI, but it still never shows up.

Any idea why it isn't showing online?

If you can PM me the last 5 digits of your Pi's serial number (which can be found under System -> Raspberry Pi in the webui) I can look and see if your device is registered properly and maybe that will tell us where to look. There are two reasons the HeaterMeter might not show up:
  • The device can't get to the internet to register. This is either DNS error resolving heatermeter.com or inability to connect, both of which should be able to be tested from Network -> Diagnostics -> ping.
  • The website can't associate you to your device. This is done by the source IPv4 address of your request, or if you're behind a proxy, then the IP address the proxy reports it is requesting on behalf of. There is a chance this could not work if the proxy does not provide that information.

If I can find your device in the registry (it must have been on within the last 24 hours as well) we could cross #1 off the list and then see if we can figure out why #2 isn't working.

I did Ping and Traceroute and both worked, although the Ping response was pretty long (140ms). NSLookup says it cannot resolve.

The Last 5 of my Raspberry Pi - b4bd0

Thanks for the help!

Actually I think I found the problem. I had a VPN open for work that was blocking.

Would you do me a favor though and clear the Ethernet connected interface from the registry? I originally connected through Ethernet before I got WIFI working. It is reporting that connection as down forever now. b4bd0

Not sure why NSLookup fails in the network diags. Still does.

Actually I think I found the problem. I had a VPN open for work that was blocking.

Would you do me a favor though and clear the Ethernet connected interface from the registry? I originally connected through Ethernet before I got WIFI working. It is reporting that connection as down forever now. b4bd0
Aha! Well that would do it. Now you know there are no HeaterMeters on your the network you were VPNed through too.

I deleted your site registration and all the devices and their interfaces associated with it to start you from scratch again, but the device checks back in every hour so it will just re-add you. If there have been any packets received on an interface since the device was booted, it will report the interface (eth0 or wifi/wlan0) as "Up" in the device list. Rebooting should show the Ethernet as down as Steve suggested.
Yes the Ethernet interface shows down. I was thinking you would clear it so it wasn't there at all. Doesn't matter though, it is a nit :)

I'm just waiting on the Microdamper parts to arrive so I can put the whole thing together and try it out. Then I'll need to learn how the software works. Should be fun!


