Heatermeter 4.3 and raspberry pi3 not connecting to internet


Gary V

Built my system and powered it up and it functions just as advertised. Only one issue. I cannot connect to internet so I can configure the heatermeter. here is what I have done

installed raspbian on the new Pi. not sure i should have done that but I did.
I can connect to internet and my router sees the pi listed as "raspberrypi" on also list dhcp
made a new sd disk with only the update listed on the wiki page for Pi2 and Pi3 devices and assembled the unit and fired it up and it works. as noted before the handheld unit works fine
I did not do anything with Linkmeter v14. not sure if I needed that
out of frustration I tried resetting the Pi wifi address to per the wiki page with the original NOOBS sd installed. I could change it but still not linking up
router does not see it.
anyway being new to the Pi world, I am sure I am overlooking something here.
any help would be appreciated.
finally got connected to unit through a hard wire cable. From there everything went well. I am now working on the MicroDamper connection to my Primo grill. Hope to fire grill up tomorrow for a test and pid tune run.
Truly I had a DA attack. I`ve always had to connect hardwire to setup a pc or other device initially. I kept getting off track because the Pi3 has built in wifi instead of a usb adapter that can be pre configured most of the time. Only took 30 minutes to get everything done and set for first run. Got my tablet setup so this will make tuning easier. Like the network interface.
The wifi setup is probably the least user friendly part of the HM, I've always gone the wired route at first as well, but that option isn't available withe the rPi A and zero. My idealistic vision of how wifi setup should go would be to have it boot in AP mode, connect with a wireless device (smart phone, tablet etc) to gain access to the HM GUI. Then go to the WiFi tab where you have the ability to enter in your WiFi SSID and passphrase which is written to the boot config file, then reboot the HM and it comes up in Client mode and connects to the wifi with the info you entered. If the connection fails you use the HM menu to reset the config, at which point the HM defaults back to AP mode so you can connect with your wifi device and give it another shot. This seems pretty intuitive, but I am sure there is some reason why it can't be done like this???

