Heat distribution on a q120


Howard Smith

New member
Hi guys,

I am considering buying a Q120 for a weekday steak/chicken grill...

I believe the grill gets pretty hot after watching some of the YouTube videos of people searin steak and fish...

However what is the heat distribution like.... Everyone seems to put the meat directly above he heat source suggesting that the heat elsewhere is not as good...

I did my grilling on all three Q sizes. The Q200 has less power than the 100 or 300 model. It has just one burner and midium size volume. Q100 and Q300 are better heated but it is realy the matter of conditions when you grill. The rule for cast iron griddle or grate anyway is to get it as hot as it gets. Lid closed helps a lot. When doing the initial searing you should also plan enough space so when you turn the piece of whatever it is it should land on previously unused spot. I know with Q120 this is a bit of a problem becouse of the size. Rule with allmost any grill is that it will have hot spots and those less hot. When you use it you will find where is that on your grill. Remember the lid is there to help you and don't be afraid to use your grill on full power. Turn the meat as needed. You can also go indirect BBQ style but Q120 is a bit to small for anything serious. My expirience on Q100 my father in law has is that it is a hot little monster wherever the food is placed.

Howard - if you want to get the q120 (as I did) to do the "quick" weekday steak, chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, then this grill is perfect. I use it for a family of 4 and it cooks a steak perfectly. I have had no issues with heat distribution when cooking several steaks, they all seem to have the same sear wherever thay are placed. The cast iron grates do a really good job, so good I want to buy some Craycort grates for my Performer. Trust me, you will not be disappointed.
Thanks guys.... I have actually picked one up today, just cooked my first steak on it and it seems to perform really well... So I'm happy

And yeh the cast iron grills are great.... I have upgraded to them In my 57cm and smokey joe kettle...

