Have a question about brisket


Maclane Jones

This was my first brisket had a 16.60 pounder choice grade. I started the fire use the mm at 515 am pulled out birsket . got the brisket on at 630 wsm 22 all the vents open all day.cooked at 260. at 130 pm temp up to 165 pull off and wrapped with broth. at 530 up to 194 looked good but I put in oven at 300 to finish. Had used a lot of charcoal was worried it wouldn't fish in wsm probably a mistake. pulled out of the oven at 204 open up and let steam for 15 min re wrap with fat separate juice one cup put in cooler for one hour. question 1.when I went to slice the point up felt tight and not as lose as it felt before. cut up slices would bend over my finger it was tender just not as juice is this normal the fatty slices where tender ok 2 question I went through almost 3 bags of charcoal wsm 22 one bag kingfords apple one bag professional one bag bb it's was 16 degrees in the morning and 25 in day no wind over cast all day had the water pan in and used boiling water only 1/4 full refilled 3 times .we all ate the brisket it was really good I'm read to try again all in all a good cook :wsm22::black kettle
I'd say your cook went well considering how cold it was.

1.when I went to slice the point up felt tight and not as lose as it felt before. cut up slices would bend over my finger it was tender just not as juice is this normal the fatty slices where tender

Point is the fattier portion of a brisket. Texture is a function of which part of the point and the thickness. Most important is did it taste good?

2 question I went through almost 3 bags of charcoal wsm 22 one bag kingfords apple one bag professional one bag bb it's was 16 degrees in the morning and 25 in day no wind over cast all day had the water pan in and used boiling water only 1/4 full refilled 3 times

Using water in the pan helps stabilize temperature but also consumes charcoal. Water boils at 212, cooking at 260 is a battle between water and charcoal. I'd skip water next time if 260 temp is your goal.
Thanks for the info. I did have the point and flat mixed up. It was a good cook .I think by putting in the oven at a different temp maybe put to much heat in it and over cooked When it was resting it was pretty hot .was trying to hit 275 . The water bowl uses a lot of heat probably will take it out next time.and get a Cajun door and gasket. I guess I just half to try again. Not a bad thing:wsm22::blackkettle:

