Has anyone ever tried this with a Smokey Joe?


Mickey M

Closed Account

I'm a pretty new SJS owner and I'm dying to try this but I don't want to mess up my new SJS.

I know it's tiny and there is probably no way to use it as a smoker BUT...

I was getting some coals ready in my Weber chimney the other night and I started wondering what would happen IF ...

I opened the bottom vents all the way, threw some damp wood chips into the chimney and put the SJS on top. THEN ...

Messed around with the top vents and tried to keep the temp low enough for some low and slow cooking.

What do you guys think? I'm sure one of you folks must have tried this.

Will it work?


Mickey, your idea is one that I have never thought of. I can see the thinking behind it, but I don't think it would work. The main flaw I see is that your heat is controlled by the bottom vents, not the top vents on your grill. By your heat coming from lit coals in your chimney, I think your heat would get away from you, with little to no way to control your temps. If you are interested in using your SJS as a smoker, look at the SJG as a mini smoker post. I made one myself, and absolutely love it.
wellllll, thats an interesting thought. but i suspect that it might not turn out as well as you might think plus i suspect you might end up with a melted lower vent. but then again we rely on others (you) to try things and then letting us know. i might try it for giggles.
Mickey there's no way i'd try it on my sjs lol But yes you can use your sjs to smoke some meat's but go real lite on the wood, Be better to soak some chip's then place them in some foil seal shut and poke hole's in the foil top and set on coal's...Smikey joe's produce some fine food just like all weber's do.

