Happy Valentines Day!

Cooked breakfast -- Omlet.

Unusual because Mondays are normally a 5:30 a.m. departure for the rest of the week. Delayed departure today for a visitation at 1:00 p.m. Next time you hear from me I will be on the job in SC.
Carp - my valentine has been mean.

Filet mignon with wild mushrooms and white truffle oil, twice baked potato's, a tossed green salad all washed down with a bottle or two of La Crema Pinot Noir. I think I'll get things going right now with two fingers of Woodford Reserve bourbon.....rocks.
Tomorrow, bologna sandwiches all around! Cheese optional.
Zip, zero, nada! Can you believe it? She didn't cook me anything!

(Disclaimer: Schedule wouldn't allow. I took her to Victoria, BC for the weekend)
Robert and I had both had pretty tough days at work on Valentine's Day, and I HATE fighting the crowds to go out anywhere to eat on such a holiday, so I had about decided to just cook something quick and easy when I got home. Unbeknownst to me, Robert had other ideas.

Now Robert and I have been married near 25 years, and sometimes we don't even do the card thing anymore, although we make up for that in other ways. Not real mushy for the most part as far as the "traditional" commercialized gifts for various holidays. HOWEVER, that being said, he walked in the door last night as a man with a plan. First, he shocked me with a beautiful bouquet (so WHAT if it came from the supermarket - he actually walked in and picked it out himself, as opposed to just making a quick phone call and letting the florist do all the work!), a most wonderfully mushy Valentine's card, and some assorted sweets. Then he headed out to fire up the grill and set up a folding table with a nice red-checked tablecloth outside in the open-air party barn (it got to 76 here yesterday). He popped the cork on a nice bottle of Australian shiraz, then proceeded to grill us a thick prime sirloin (my preference in steaks), a few skewers of huge sweet Texas gulf shrimp marinated in olive oil, garlic and lemon juice, and he also set a foil pouch of broccoli and red peppers sprinkled with a little lemon juice on the top shelf of the grill to steam while he cooked. A dish of melted butter with generous sauted garlic, lemon juice, wooster, and Louisiana Gold was there for dipping the shrimp, along with some beautiful bakery croissant rolls for dipping in a bit of the butter sauce as well. He had set the stereo to the classical station when I walked out to see what was going on. He had it all under control, poured me a glass of wine, and beckoned me sit.

Nothing fancy, nothing expensive, no jewelry involved, but just a wonderful quiet and unexpected little dinner in the light breezes of an unseasonably warm evening. He went to a lot of trouble to create this relaxing ambiance, and it did not go unappreciated. (sigh) If I hadn't already married the guy, I'd fall for him all over again. Gentlemen, take notes. You don't have to spend a lot to wrap us around your fingers.

Gushingly yours,
Keri C
Way to Go Robert!! You two are special (Have I said that before?) and this is one of the reasons why. The best to you both!

