Hank Hill


Bruce Fairchild

New member
"Keep us posted as to how the non-rubbed smoked butt turns out."
Sorry I didn't post the results before now.
My wife just loved the non-rubbed butt! I thought that the "skin" was a little tough and I missed the spicy rub taste. Beyond that it was good.
I'm cooking 4 more butts today, three with rub and one withouot. I did realize that the butts that I bought from Kroger are "enhanced". Next time I'll try to find some that aren't.
No salt n pepper? Nothing? OK.

Ive been trying different pork producers over the years and my conclusion so far is enhanced meat is not worth buying compared to fresh.
Oh cool; thanks for the update.

I think my wife would prefer the un-rubbed too. Maybe my next smoke will be 1 rubbed and 1 not rubbed (smoke being the only spice).

I'm wondering if foiling after a few hours would reduce the tough coating?
I did foil them for about 3 hours. The outer most part was a little dry and tough while the inner meat was tender.
Dale, I didn't realize they were enhanced when I bought them. Next time I'll try Publix, Cosco or Sam's to see what they have.

Last time I had a problem with the temps staying at or over 300. This time the temperature at the bottom grate is 206 while the top is 225. I'm not panicing, just wonder why it is lower this time.

