Halloween ideas???

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Dale Perry

We are having a small party and i am looking for some ideas. Chicken wings are one thing that is on the list. I am going to smoke the chicken wings for awhile, then fry them in the turkey frier as an experiment.
What are you folks gonna cook?
Sounds great! I saw something on "smoke fried chicken" once.

We have a" joke" that we are going to put new spin on the old bobbing for apples...bobbing for hushpuppies!....."dont try this at home"


What we do every year is "Chili Nite".
After the kids are done, all the parents come by for Chili & Beverages been doing this for years and has turned out to be quite the nite.
This year I'm going to try Texas Chili, smoke
a Briskit on Saturday and use the leftovers in the pot.

Chicken wings in the turkey fryer is the way to go. Mix up some Franks hot sauce and some butter and everything will be alllllright.

I'm smoking T-bones on Saturday. Not sure about Sunday yet but I'm leaning toward pork loins but the chili idea sounds great. 'Bout that time of year to bring out the crockpot myself and brew some up.

Great thing about kids is I get free candy from their bags without begging.
My family is going on a sailing club Halloween cruise. Big potluck, kids trick-or-treating from boat to boat, costumes, boat decorations, all kinds of fun. I'm bringing shredded mummy (pulled pork) and swamp salad (cole slaw) sandwiches. Oooooh, sssccary!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Chicken wings in the turkey fryer is the way to go. Mix up some Franks hot sauce and some butter and everything will be alllllright.
I use the same recipe as Matt, but I add a little sesame oil and honey to the franks HS and butter! ooohhh soooo good!
Chicken wings are out now. Earlier today my wife reminded me that my boy has a football game "already knew this", then after that my daughter has an end of year golf team cookout,"oops" then after that the party is at my house. Not enough time to do it right so I am grilling brats, burgers, sausages, hotdogs and whatever gets thrown on. It will be good anyhow.
Just got home from the events of the day. The cookout was great. The guy grilling "a retired chef" made chicken breast, burgers, and hotdogs on a charcoal grill, 40 mile an hour wind gusts and he never did complain, plus everything was good. He used Royal Oak,and I said to him "is that good stuff?'he replyed "no, they were out of Kingsford".

Bragging time,
Boy made year football MVP
Girl made golf rookie of the year. Both on the same day. My head is swollen.
Ok Larry, I am cooking up a bunch of wings tomorrow...what does sesame oil and honey do to the flavor? And if i was going to add some to a batch...about how much would you suggest?
I am really not sure on the amounts, I just do it to my taste. Mix up your Franks and butter and add a little and taste until you get it to a taste you like! I have never measured for this, sorry. Be careful with the seasame oil though, a little bit goes a long way. Do it a dash or two at a time. Let me know if you decide to try it and if you like it!
Thanks, I will let you know. Tomorrow, I am cooking up about 20 pounds, so I will have plenty of batches to play around with.
Larry, the wings were awesome, and every last one was eaten...to rave reviews! The honey seemed to cut the heat in the one batch a little, which was a good thing for some of the folks. And the sesame oil adds a nice subtle flavor. Everyone left full and happy, a good day!
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