Habanero Chipotles

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Shawn W

TVWBB Emerald Member
Been wanting to do chipotles badly, but haven't been able to find any red jalapenos . The green ones were total crap at the store today but they had nice fresh habanero so I decided to go for it.

Got a whole rack on the go, I plan to post pics every couple of hours, hoping you all can tell me when they are done.

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Be sure and let us know when you're ready to try some, so we can call 911 for you...
Thanks Doug. Maybe I can schedule an emergency call in advance with them in case I look like this

Lost about an hour to 90 minutes rebuilding the little fire.

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Think I might let them go all night, there is only enough fuel for a couple of more hours. Check them tomorrow.
Do the habaneros lose the heat when you smoke them? I have tried a tiny piece of one of those suckers and they will just about send you to the hospital. If they don't lose their heat what do you do with them? Just curious?
Don't know how much heat they will lose, if any. I think my sinus is burning a bit just from smelling them.

I canned a mixture of habaneros and jalapenos last summer, this should be a nice change.

The only Chipotle stuff I have had to date is the Tabasco brand vinegar based liquid. Love it. Gone through 5 large bottles in a year. Question is more like what don't I use it on?

I will put these babies in chili, fresh salsa, burritos, soft tacos, enchiladas. Maybe in the modified Puerco Pibil. How about smokey-hot chicken wings? Other suggestions?
Woke up to steady rain, checked the peppers. They still look a little fleshy and the coals are out so I picked up the rack and set it in the oven at 150F. The smell, wow. The saliva started to flow almost immediately.

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Do they need to be absolutely, completely dry before storing them? Should I leave them in the oven until then or remove now and allow them to finish drying naturally?
They need to be completly dried. All the bad things, mold, bacteria, etc. need moisture to live. After they're dried you can store them "as is" forever.
I have ground up some habeneros that I dried for a "sprinkling condiment". HOLY S@#^&T what a kick!!!!!!

Dare I suggest the Minion Method for cooking these. I am quickly becoming a fan of this way of firing due to the control you have and the amount of time you can cook.

Perhaps if you were doing it this way from the start you wouldn't have had to re-build the fire. Even thought it sounded like you were using a low temp to cook, you can control it on the way up and choke it off where you need to using the vents! Just a suggestion! Happy mouth on fire to ya!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif
Thanks Al, they are now hard as rocks. Think I will crush them like you suggested and use them that way.

I have problems with my MM cooks extinguishing if I close the vents too much. Full charcoal ring, full open vents runs around 200F-250F at lid for me. If I close them 50% they nearly extinguish.

Interesting suggestion Greg, think I will start a new topic for it.
Hey Shawn... Those habaneros look very good. I have been eating habaneros for many years. They can be a bit hot, but there is no other pepper that can compare. A little bit goes a loooong way. I will have to give that a try sometime soon. Just looking at the pictures makes my mouth water! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Happy eating!
Finished product is perhaps a little milder than fresh I think, but I'm still recovering from eating one with picante and nacho chips. Wow, love the smokey hot flavour. And honestly, I don't have any fresh left to compare against.

I do know the hot stuff is an oil, capiscium (sp?) that's why water doesn't put out the burn. (Use dairy instead..mmmmm...sour cream). It's in the veins but the seeds get hot because they are in constant contact with the veins. So unless slow drying temps cause dispersion of or alters the capiscium the dried ones should be about the same heat. Just a theory. However, I made the mistake of stir frying some fresh ones and everyone who came in the kitchen started crying from stinging eyes!

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July 06/2004: changed embedded images to links so folks with slower connections can choose to look at the pics if they want and not be slowed down. Total size of all pics is a little better than 700k. - Shawn W
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