Originally posted by Dan H.:
Thats very generous of you Brian, I'de really appreciate that and I've never thought to ask one of you guys.. . you really wouldn't mind wasting charcoal?... Actually I could send a rolled up 10$ and that could fix that nevermind... But ya that would be great because I understand there testing is probably good but really I don't think there exactly using a wsm, if you know what I mean. Being that I know mine is tight, and I KNOW everyone elses work wonders for them and there wsm, that may be a perfect idea, if you truly aren't bothered by this, and I mean that, I really don't want to bother you, then I'de be up for it. I am going to wait till this weekend to call the tech guy to help me over the phone and see if we can pin it down but we'll just have to see. At this point your either thinking "k... Dan doesn't know his #$& from a hole in the ground, and doesn't know how to run it" or just simply.. "shut up about it.."
But if it keeps up I think you would truly be stumped if you could see it. But do you think my thermometer wire getting hot could affect it? I drop it through top vent hole always.. then either place therm. on top grate or hang it about 2 or 3 inches down? _Dan