Guru Competitor 10 -- my review

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Doug Parizo

TVWBB Member
Hi all,

This weekend I was able to put my brand new Guru Competitor 10 to use! I had a pretty big crowd to feed (28) for Sunday night. Everybody wanted ribs (in Mass. they don't know what pulled pork is). Anyway, I had my heart set on Boston Butt, so I did both.

Did the ribs on Saturday afternoon with the Guru. Does anybody use the meat probe on ribs? Didn't seem right to me, so I didn't. Didn't use the ramp mode either, just set the pit at 225 and let 'em smoke.

It worked like a charm and attracted a fair amount of attention from the crowd. I cooked the ribs to 80% and then foiled 'em and put 'em right in the fridge hot. (I probably should have let them cool, but it was late at night, and this approach worked for me recently (see Nantucket ribs).

Later that night ('round midnight) I got the WSM all re-stoked and threw on the Sam's Club Boston Butts. Total of 15# and I used yellow mustard and the Texas Rub folks have been talking about.

For the pulled-pok sandwiches, I got some of those mustard/ketchup/vinegar restaurant-style squeze bottles off of ebay and loaded the clear one with Scott's, the yellow one with Maurice's and the red one with KC Masterpiece (boo!). I had this whole scam going about my special homemade sauces -- it was great!

Anyway, the guru worked flawlessly again. I had seen a note from Bill Hays mentioning possible ash with the 10 CFM fan, so I was obsessively worrying about that, but fornutately I was spared. Around 3PM Sunday with a few hours left till dinner, I was -10 degrees on the guru, and so I disabled the ramp mode and nuged the pit temp a bit north of it's 225 setting. By 6:30 I was still at -5, but I pulled 'em and it was awesome! Way better than my last time (which was also my first time) without the guru, when the pork was dry.

Retrieved the ribs from the fridge and loaded 'em into the oven for an hour at 300 and then on the grill for show. It all came together pretty well and the guru was a champ.

One last note about the guru: when you open the box, you feel like you're unpacking something that Lockheed Martin made to go on the space shuttle. The materials feel so solid, so heavy in the hand, and when you put them together they are so perfectly machined! There are about 10 different pieces of paper / brochures that you can read with tips and instructions and ideas -- it's like every time they get a new tip or idea, they type it up on a new piece of paper -- it's pretty charming. There are little thoughtful extras thrown in (at least there were in my box) like plastic wrappers to keep your cables neat. It really was a unique experience -- I don't think I've ever bought something that so completely exceeded my expectations!

Best to all,

It's great to hear about your cooks with the Guru. Mine is also the Competitor w/ 10cfm fan. The Guru also exceeded my expectations, which were pretty high after reading the comments here. It was well worth the money for me.
Instead of Boo on KC Masterpiece sauce, mix 4 parts KC with 1 part honey (from BRITU). It's all I use and my wife and kids love it.
Nick P.
I git the smaller E-temp and it has worked perfectly as well. Those curle-eez things are cool--fisherman use them to keep their fly leads from thangling or on the hook. They are $5 per pack, and a cool little gimme.

I didn't buy the grommet, and that wire for the probe is a little too fragile to go under the lid I think. I am going to get a hollow bolt, or drill one out myself, and install where one of the top rach brackets is attached.


Glad to hear it
. Another happy customer.

I've never tried to insert a probe in ribs ~ Just doesn't seem like there's enough meat in there. Also, Ramp mode needs the meat temp so it can start ramping the pit temp when the meat gets to within 25* of the meat set point.

Sorry for the scare on the ash. It'll probably never happen again

Take care,
Nick -- yep, I use the KC/Honey blend on ribs too. I should have been more specific: I was saying "Boo" to folks who used it on their pulled pork sandwiches becasue they were too scared to try my "homemade" traditional NC & SC sauces.

Jeff -- thanks again for pushing me over the edge with the group purchase -- I appreciate that you set that up. I'd encourage you to buy Fred's eyelet kit -- I was amazed out how cleanly it worked and the hole comes out exactly the right size (of course): big enuf to get the probes in but no bigger than necessary so as not to cause a significant air leak.

Bill -- no problem re: the "ash scare"
You (and Jim and Chris and others) have sort of achieved an "Alan Greenspan" status in the world of barbecue. Because of your experience, even your most casual comments can have a huge ripple effect thru the bbq community.
I've used Masterpiece with honey, and others I know have used it with molasses...not bad! My latest way of using it for a rib glaze is by mixing in seedless blackberry All Fruit™, makes the ribs turn out real purty as well as tasty! I use maybe a teaspoon of the stuff to a cup of sauce.
I admittedly have never used a guru, so don't have all the facts, but from my extensive experience with the WSM, why on earth is it needed? Even with unpredictable Canadian weather, overnight comp cooking, etc., I have never had temperature variances enough to justify the purchase of such an item. What is the advantage of using one?
In my pre-guru days, I'd put on some pork butts around 10pm and have to dink with the vents around 4am or so, more often in windy or inclimate weather. Now I get a full nights sleep with no worries.

In REALLY windy weather I'd have to put up a more!

Another advantage is that I can now smoke 4 butts with no worries about the WSM getting/staying up to temp with that much heatsink, now I almost always do 4 butts.

The other main advantage is not worrying about adding water, since you run with an empty but foiled cleanup is easier.

I think you save on charcoal too, it's more efficient, probably enough to pay for the thing eventually.

I should be a Guru salesman!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DarrenC:
What is the advantage of using one? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Although my temps were pretty stable overnight, I was waking up at least twice to check them anyway. I don't know about anyone else here, but having a party after a bad nights sleep was not working so well. I rarely cook for the heck of it, always for company coming over. So having things finished early afternoon was a target I always want to hit. If the temps did go down a bit overnight and 2 hours was added to the cook it was the difference between BBQ for dinner or ordering pizza. Anyhow....since i got the guru I light up when ready and the temps hold solid until the fuel runs out, which is longer than before since it is burning more efficiently with a dry water pan.
I love the thing.
How did I justify the expense ? My wife or guests will never get miffed at excuses like "just another hour before we eat because the temps dropped a bit overnight". And I can enjoy myself too since I slept and don't have to tend to the WSM at all once company arrives.

BTW: I got the cheaper e-temp and it works fine in the WSM.

I love mine, too. And living on the Niagara River across from Ontario, I need a windbreak as well as the Guru. I'm a stay at home dad with a 3 and 6 year old and it comes in mighty handy

Clearly, it's not for everyone. If you do a search on "bbq guru", you will find mor than 460 results. If you really want to know all the facts and why so many people use them, that's probably the best place to start.

Take care, neighbor
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bill Hays:
I'm a stay at home dad with a 3 and 6 year old and it comes in mighty handy

Amen to that. I am not a stay at home, but having to tend to a Q while watching 2 children (mine are 2 & 4) is impossible.

Thank you guru.

Mine are 3 and 1(both girlz) and that is why I do all my smokes(hold ribs)overnight! They go to bed at 8-9pm and then the fun begins!!
Hi Darren -- I'll add my two reasons:

1) While I'm pretty new at this (only about 5 cooks on the WSM), I find that my WSM runs consistently colder than what others report here. My lid temps are always around 210 -- and I can't figure out why! Anyway, the guru solved that right nice!

2) On this particular cook, I slept in a house about 5 miles away from the cooker, which I left unattended from 1AM to 10AM on a lawn by a cottage. Stable is one thing, but 9 hours of unattended operation is another. When i got back to it, it was running out of charcoal, but huffing like mad at those last few coals to (successfully) keep the temp up. With no guru, I'm almost positive I would have found the thing way below temp at 10AM.

Plus, it's so cool.
Thought you all might like to see a note I got from Shotgun Fred, the father of the Guru... As many have said here before, he's a good guy.


Thank you in a very big way for being our customer! It really warms my heart when someone is thoughtful enough to recognize the efforts that our Guru people make. I have forwarded your email to everyone in the Guru department as well as all of the managers in our company. You know yourself that these things make it all worth while, and keeps the troops plugging away. I too am very proud of everyone evolved from Customer Service to Shipping and everyone in between.
We continue to work on new and useful products to enhance the BBQ experience. Please keep an eye on our site as we will be expanding our offerings over the coming months. We hope to bring more happy campers into the Guru fold each year.
I read your complete post. You are my kind of cook. I too enjoy cooking for the crowds. Your innovative use of the Guru , WSM and Kitchen Oven is what it is all about. I enjoyed reading your post.
Thanks again, and stay in touch. If you ever run for President you have my vote!
Even Temps, Shotgun Fred
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