Grilled Salmon


Darryl P

TVWBB Member
I saw a nice line caught Salmon on sale at Harris Teeter and thought hmmm I bet it would taste great on the Weber Q.

So I pre-heated the Q for 15 minutes on high, put a small piece of cherry wood directly on the grill so it could start smoking. Then I rubbed the Salmon with canola oil, salt(Kosher and Homemade Smoked), pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, coriander and bit of sugar. Grilled on medium-high for 12 minutes ( I cooked it 2 minutes too long a tad dry) skin side down. The wife and kids loved it. Served with crusty bread and fennel salad - perfect combination. Next time, I'll drop the temperate to 325 once I put the fish on the grill. That should prevent the flesh next to the skin from over browning.

If anyone has a great salmon recipe or a good way to cook salmon on the Q, please feel free to add to this thread.

I like to mix a tea spoon each of wasabi, mirin, lime juice, fish sauce and a pinch of sugar.
Just rub it over the salmon and marinate around ten minutes and grill. Everything is there:D
I have a few ways but for a smokey flavour which you apear to be fond of. the cedar Planked Salmon has to be the best hit for you.

You need a plank of cedar about 5/16" - 3/8" thick a little bigger than the salmon fillet (about 1/2" minimum clearance all around the edges.) Soak the cedar in water for 2 hours (put it in hot water this reduces the soaking time by 25%.
Brine the salmon fillet in 2 pints of water, 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of brown sugar for 1 hour. remove from the brine and pat dry. Brush the fillet lightly on the flesh side with some dujoin mustard. Place the plank on a preheated q and close the lid, when the plank starts to smoulder place the salmon fillet on it skin side downand close the lid. Cook for 12 minutes checking for doness every 2 minutes from the 8 minute mark. The mustard will hold the smoke flavour.
Have a spray bottle full of water handy, if the Q starts to smoke too much open the lid and spray the affected area with water to put out the fire and continue to cook.



