Grilled Chuck Roast


Chris Stanek

My local SAMS club always has fantastic chuck roast 2 packs. Normally, we throw it in the slow cooker and call it a day.

Can you simply grill a chuck roast to normal steak temps or would be like eating shoe leather? I love the chuckie and would like something new.
It would be like shoe leather. Chuck is the equivalent of pork butt.

You can cut them into steaks. Just cook them more like you would pork steaks -- sear, then cook to medium well with indirect heat. I like doing Chuck steaks like that, after marinating in a Korean kalbi marinade.
'Chuck roast' is a pretty generic term. Better if you know the specific cut. A chuck eye will grill-roast well (go with indirect) and chuck top blade is wonderful grilled. When cut right top blade is know as 'flat iron' steak.
I grill chuckeye roast. Cook indirect with a little smoke on the kettle at about 300. Then slick with olive oil, take the lid off and let the fire get hot for a searing finish.

It tastes great, but will never be mistaken for porterhouse or filet mignon.
Thanks guys... those recipes look great. I know it's a bit gross, but I just love the big globs of fat in a chuck. It's so **** flavorful. I'm going for it.
You can slice thin maybe 1/2 inch, season with olive oil, salt, pepper, minced garlic, maybe minced thyme and grill to your preferred finish.

