Green Performer SS vintage?


Russell C.

New member
Just grabbed this off Craigslist today. Any of you crafty veterans have an idea of what vintage this might be? I'm sure there will be some replacement parts that I'll need to order starting with the ash catcher.


There should be two letters stamped into the top vent.
That is the date code.
There's a date chart around here somewhere...use search function.
A = 1
U = 2
T = 3
H = 4
O = 5
R = 6
I = 7
Z = 8
E = 9
D = 0

Example ED would be 1990

So what year is it?
Not picking it up until tomorrow so I can't check for the date code yet. Thanks for the cheat sheet though. I just thought someone might have a ball park guess based off the color, ss top, ect. I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas. Once cleaned up and given a little TLC she's going to look fantastic next to her Blue brother. Now to find a Red model to complete the performer family!
The SS Performer was introduced in 1990 and ran until 2004ish. There was an ash catcher change around 01 and yours predates that. There is a support bar which supports the ash ring that's missing from the photos. That would explain why the ash ring/pan is under the kettle instead of on the kettle. As a negotiating chip, Weber no longer makes that support bar nor the ash sweeper assembly to support it. There are options, but lets talk when you have the Performer in your possession. :)
Winner winner chicken dinner for Joe F. The code on the lid was an ER so she's a 1996. Now what? Sounds like the ash catcher system for years pre 2001 are no longer available. Anyone have any advice for either tracking down aftermarket parts or modifying to allow the new ash catchers to work? Love to hear those options now Chad! Thanks in advance for all the help. This online Weber community is amazing.
Winner winner chicken dinner for Joe F. The code on the lid was an ER so she's a 1996. Now what? Sounds like the ash catcher system for years pre 2001 are no longer available. Anyone have any advice for either tracking down aftermarket parts or modifying to allow the new ash catchers to work? Love to hear those options now Chad! Thanks in advance for all the help. This online Weber community is amazing.
Dood, I was just kidding.
Pulled that date out of you know where.
Sometimes you just get lucky.

I think there's a guy over on the Kettle forum that fabs new straps.
Post over there with your needs.
Dood, I was just kidding.
Pulled that date out of you know where.
Sometimes you just get lucky.

I think there's a guy over on the Kettle forum that fabs new straps.
Post over there with your needs.

Ok...dumb noobie question. Isn't this the Kettle forum?

