Olives should be cured pretty quickly after picking. Sort through and discard any that are at all bruised or blemished.
Place the olives in a ceramic, glass or white heavy-duty plastic container. Using a cup measure, add cold water to cover, counting the cups of water used. GENTLY swish the olives in the water to clean them, then using something as a partial cover, drain the olives. (Do not pour them into a colander as this easily bruises the olives. They must be treated gently throughout the process.)
Using the same amount of water that you measured above, mix 1/4 cup fine sea or table salt per gallon of water and stir well to dissolve the salt. Pour over the olives. Let them stand at cool room temp (65F) for 2 days. Sterilize as many jars as you'll need to hold the olives. Gently remove the olives from the brine and fill the jars. Pour enough brine over them to cover and refrigerate. Test in several days, and consume within a few weeks.
(This is Paul Bertolli's method.)