Green Butt

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Greg Rempe

TVWBB All-Star
I pulled out my 7lb frozen butt to thaw for the next few days and noticed a number of green spots on it. What the hey now?? Is it bad, mold, aliens???
I wonder if it could be dye? But better safe than sorry IMHO Greg. Go get some fresh ones and cook em up, hopefully it will make you feel better.
If they are bad Greg, they MUST have been bad when you bought them. Um, how many days on the counter are we talking about here?
Shawn, I bought them like 2 months ago. Cooked one right away and froze the other one. I fear that both of them were bad and I was just lucky that I didn't get sick with the first one I cooked!!
Now this is making me wonder what to do. Picked up a brisket and a 2 pack of boneless butts at Costco last night. Plan to cook on Saturday, and planned on doing the brisket and one of the butts and freezing the other for another day. I do have a foodsaver to seal the unused one in, but would I be better off cooking it anyhow and freezing it after it's cooked?
I had the same thing happen with some picnics I bought from SFW. I bought 6 of them and cooked 4 and froze the other two. Couple months later the same thing, green spots I assumed was somehow mold. I threw them away and would suggest you do the same.
Ive experienced the green butt syndrome but in the form of country ribs. With my experience they smelled as bad as they looked. Normally I will eat anything that doesnt run away on me but Id say to toss it and get a new one.
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