Grates on Spirit rusting


Bobby Boone

New member
I have a Spirit 320 that I got from Home Depot several years ago (last year they had stainless steel doors).

The Grates are rusting (both the porcelain cooking grates and the stainless warming grates. (I have had it covered since I got it.). The rust on the cooling grates is under the warming grates (the part of the grill I use less often). In retrospect I should have reversed the cooking grates from time to time so all of the grate would have been seasoned (but I did not know to do this.) What else could I have done to prevent this?

I cleaned the rust using a drimmel and a grinding wheel, and covered with cooking oil, but it looks like new grates are in order.
And I don't think those grates you're calling stainless steal are actually stainless steal. More likely chome plated which never last very long.

