Grate replacement help needed. E-325


Dave GA

New member
I have a Weber E-325 propane that I bought new from BBQ guys last year. I'd like to replace the ceramic porcelain with stainless steel. I reached out to weber and they identified below as the part I need. Problem is, they are only 7MM. These are the grates where one side is bigger than the other. Anybody have any other ideas to get stainless but with the thicker rods? thanks.

If I am correct that the "new" Genesis like you have has the same size grates as the Genesis II series, this is what I would suggest you get:

You can pretty easily cut one of the grates to make it possible to have a "narrow" one for when you are using the Weber Crafted Kitchen stuff, or just use the shorter cast iron one you already have.
thanks. I don't even use the kitchen stuff. So that would be totally fine with me.

To the other reply. The weber grates are listed as 7MM not 9MM. So that's why I was seeing an alternative.
If you ordered the Qlimetal grates I believe you will be VERY happy with them. They are for real 304 stainless, whereas I have heard, though not sure, that the Weber ones are a lower grade of stainless - not to mention a lot more expensive.

