Grate Prep - How do you do it?

I can add to the list of what not to use.

I remember WD-40 had a lawsuit against it in the early 80's from someone who had the bright idea of using their product to lubricate his grill and he was badly burned as a result. I think the company settled this out of court. :wsm:

Well I guess you can't fix stupid, but if you get a good lawyer, you can get paid.:rolleyes:

I also use a folded up paper towel with some olive oil on it or veggie oil. Fixes the problem of food sticking and also cleans the grates.
I do what Weber told me too... oil the food, not the grates as the oil will just burn off the grates anyway.

They add, this is not necessary for greasy items like hamburger.

Seems to work.

