Graduation BBQ - brisket questions

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Jon Liberman

I started a smoke last night at 11:00 PM with two butts on top and a brisket flat on the bottom. I didn't figure that they would finish until 2 or 3. The butts seem to be on that schedule, but the birsket is already done (9:00 AM). The BBQ doesn't start until 6:00 PM. What should I do with the brisket? It seems like it is way too long to put it in a cooler and ride it out until 6? If that is the case, should I put it in the fridge? If so, how should I store it (sliced or unsliced) and how should I reheat it? Thanks in advance for the help.

Oh, by the way, I don't have a Food Saver.

I had an identical overnight cook. Two butts on top and a 7 lb flat on bottom. The brisket was done at 6:00 a.m., sooner than I planned. I let it rest in the cooler a few hours and then put it in the frig. I felt it was too long to hold till this evening. I put it in the frig whole and will slice and reheat either in the oven or microwave.

Good luck.

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