Got myself a c ga :)



After watching the dutch sites, finally managed to buy a used c ga.

When I picked it up it looked like this:


Serial code is DR, so it's a 2006.

After cleaning it a little bit, this is how she looks right now :

The grill grate was missing, but a few months ago I bought two CI grills and after some cutting they fit perfectly :
so, i assume you know herbert. is yours the one that had to be transported by relay ? nice job. by the way, i'm the one that introduced that grate to you guys.
arwin, one thing you need to do is get some cooking oil or pam into the area where the top handle is welded. this will stop or slow the rust. also you need to replace the washers at the legs where they butt up on the slides with stainless steel washers. this will prevent more rust from developing. i saw some of the pics of its travel on a nother list that herbert posted. told him to make seperate post on the "trip" it took. maybe you could do that here. i think that is a great story.
What other list is that George?

I'll apply some crisco or veg. oil when i season the grate and thanks for the tip about the washers, i'll try to find some stainless.
Yeah I know, at the dutch forum he also calls himself phubar

I didn't see the woodpile at the brethren...


