Got a 2lbs Tri Tip and a dozen Blue Point Oysters! Suggestions please!!


Adam H

Got a prime grade Tri tip with a dozen blue point oysters. Would love to hear some suggestions?? Gonna shuck oysters and cook them Dragos Style ala New Orleans, Tri Tip is up in air? Help a playa out:cool:
How about using some Montreal steak seasoning on the tri tip and cooked to a perfect med-rare.
Or gets some Dales sauce and marinade for no more the. 30 min and grill to med rare.
Alan, slice your tri-tip into steaks, season with celery salt, onion powder, and granulated garlic. Then grill them like a steak.
Don't let it go beyond medium rare or they get tough. Should be a great combo with your oysters.
Thanks for the tips. I marinated the Tri overnight in a combo of fire roasted tomatoes, roasted garlic, olive oil, and a tad of water. Then I sprinkled it with Penzey's California season pepper and kosher salt. It turned out a perfect med rare! Tony I've used Dales for many years and love it but I love salty food! ;)
Thanks for the tips. I marinated the Tri overnight in a combo of fire roasted tomatoes, roasted garlic, olive oil, and a tad of water. Then I sprinkled it with Penzey's California season pepper and kosher salt. It turned out a perfect med rare! Tony I've used Dales for many years and love it but I love salty food! ;)

Sounds good it puts a smile to my face.

