Going to try wood chip box/burner


Ed Homan

New member
Tomorrow I'm going to try the wood chip box/burner on my Summit S-470. Wondering if using just that one burner will get me to 225-250 degrees I want for the pork spare ribs.

Any thoughts?
I've done chicken thighs and legs on my S-330 with a smoker box, using one burner. I can easily get it to 275-300F. It comes out great!

My concern is the burner dedicated to the smoker box is only 6800 BTUs. Don't really know what the correlation is between BTUs and temperature.

I'll know here shortly....

Thanks again.

BTUs is just a means of measuring the amount of energy in the form of heat. Now how that heat is used is going to be different from one set up to another. Things like heat sinking and if there is any insulation to minimize the heat sinking. Also area that you are trying to heat will play in the factor of it.

