Going to cook, then freeze about 8 chickens....need advice

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Ron F

Hello all,

I'm in the mood to fire the WSM up as I haven't used it in almost 2 months(ack!) Going to cook up 8 chickens as our freezer is getting bare. Any advice on how to store them? I've never cooked this much and then froze it, we usually buy our meat in bulk(VSO's uncle is the top butcher in town. I say thats better than marrying into money!!) Anyway, I had planned on just shredding most of it for sandiwiches. I don't have a foodsaver(yet) so I will just be using ziplocs.....thanks..

ZipLocks work fine. Use the freezer ones and double bag them. Get out as much air as possible. I usually use smaller bags for portions, then rap them in Aluminum foil (write date and contents on foil), then put 'packets' in larger bags.
Haven't had problems so far with this methods.
Ron, a foodsaver 1050 at BJ's is only $119.00! Your ROI can be reached in a small amount of time depending on how much you BBQ!! Go get one and reap the benefits!
Is the 1050 model a good one? I'm sure this topic has been covered before, but if I'm going to buy one I'd like to get a good one. I know nothing about them. I'm a firm believer in a good investment,(bought the WSM afterall
) so if I have to pay a bit more I will.


I and several other here have one and love them. Tilia's website is currently down but I did find here that the 1050 and several others have been discontinued. Might be a good time to shop for one during clearance sales
. Try a search here on the site for "Foodsaver". There's alot of info there..
Unfortunately, the model 1050 appears to be out-of-stock at Amazon right now. If it comes back in stock by Sunday, you could increase your order by $5.10 and use the promo code at the top of the main forum page for $25 off, and a little more with the A9 Reward.
You will love the foodsaver. The best part is heating up your chicken when you are ready to eat. Just pull it out of the freezer, drop the bag into boiling water and bingo, you have fresh smoked chicken. Works every time. Best of all, you can re-use the bag....

Happy Trails....
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