Going to cook 2 birds



New member
20 lbs spatchcocked on the genesis and 15 on the smoker. Going to do 350 on the genesis and 325 on the smoker (crisp the skin). Both salt brined (citrus on the smoker and fennel on the grill). Any suggestions, thoughts on time? Want them both done at same time with 30 min to rest. Any advice appreciated.
Cooking times should be similar to oven cooking times: 3-3.5 hours for the 15 lb turkey, 3.5-4 hours for the 20 lb turkey. The additional 25*F on the Genesis will speed that time just a bit. I'd start the one on the Genesis just a bit earlier than the one on the smoker, they should be done pretty close to each other.

Good luck!
Thanks for the advice. It turned out great. Smoker ran a tad hot. But both were super moist and got rave reviews. The dry brine is hard to beat. Only thing is that the bird was so big on the gas grill needed to wrap parts in foil to keep from burning (parts closest to the burner I left on).

