We have had ATT since the early mid 1990’s.
We even supplied phones to our service techs when we ran our business.
This last year our ATT account got hacked and they more or less told us to kick rocks after about 6 hours of Eastern Indian customer service that was rather not easy for us to understand.
What happened was that our ATT bill would come to our house in California, our son would tell us what we owed and we would pay the bill.
Recently the wife looked at the bill and found an extra line and a phone being financed on it.
This new phone and phone number has never been used.
This had been going on for 6 months and we didn’t catch it because we have 4 lines and rarely see our bill.
We figure it was the salesperson that handled our last new phone transaction padding his commission because he would have been the only one other than a family member to have access to our password and my kids don’t need to steal from us.
Anyways ATT apparently doesn’t consider this to be a hack but rather a theft that was done independent of them so they will not refund us a penny of the money that they collected from us.
We switched to T-Mobile, have better reception, a much more affordable plan and we are never looking back other than to throw rocks at ATT.
What a poor way to take care of a loyal customer who has paid you thousands and thousands of dollars.
Lying to them or rather changing the definition of getting hacked is just wrong.
This more so than the money is my beef with them.
Just the other day my wife’s co-worker had the exact same thing happen to her so this is not something new.
This is something that they know is going on.