Ginormous Shout Out To Tim K !


Phil Perrin

TVWBB Hall of Fame
I happened to bump into Tim K either last month or late March at a stop that we both deliver to. We only had a few minutes to talk,but it was enough. He asked if I needed any smoke wood and I replied that I wouldn't turn it down. After a few PMs,he finally got me hooked up!
Apple chunks for days! Woooooo! Thank you very much Tim! I'm going to use some on Smoke Day and dedicate the first sample to you!
Glad it worked out! What's mine is yours my friend. If I can get ya anything else, plz don't hesitate to ask. I hope the chunks were the size you mentioned and give you some good flavor! Apple is a favorite of mine!
Lookin forward to bumping into ya again soon,

