Gin Mash


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
At midnight last night, I put a 4lb boneless leg of lamb on the "Gin Mash". Unfortunately, I did not have garlic cloves so I substituted stuff out of a bottle-powder. It is a 15 hour planned marinade and about a two hour+ cook at 300+. A hold of 30-60 minutes. If it turns out 1/2 as good as last time we'll be in for a treat. If you are wondering, this is a good use of gin.
Sounds superb. Still thinking about what I'm going to do with my lamb. (I haven't bought a leg yet so I suppose I should start there.)

The gin should act on the garlic powder favorably. In the future, if faced with being out of fresh again, mix the powder with an equal amount of water and let it rest a few minutes before adding to your recipe. It'll help get the flavor going.This works a bit better with granulated or minced, dried garlic so it's good to have a stash of that for those times when you discover the fresh is gone--like at 3am--and you're not up for a store run.
Your post got me I went to town to get some stuff. I'm fixing to make a 'dirty martini' mash this evening for my lamb leg: gin, vermouth, olives and a bit of their brine, lemon zest (for those who prefer a twist!), garlic, rosemary, parsley, pepper, salt. Looking forward to it. Thanks for the idea.
Lamb is what it is and it is good. Ours was medium....pulled it at 138 should have pulled it at about 130 if you enjoy med-rare.

I wish you all the very best Easter and good smokin.

Lamb is what it is but mine's tomorrow. Just finished tonight's ribs. Came out great.
Glad your lamb was so good.

