The double grill idea sounds really interesting.
This is what my wife and I do - we have a EP310 with the (now out of production) right burner smoker box we use for low and slow stuff or burgers, and a matching color EP330 for steaks, fish, and more capacity if we need it.
I think the matched set looks good on the deck for parties and saves fuel vs one large grill, since when cooking for just our family we only need to fire up one grill.
In fact we just did a labor day party at the house on saturday, I had two pork butts smoked with mesquite wood on the ep310 and then cooked wild snow goose jalapeno kabobs on the 330. I was thankful to have both grills running because one of the pork butts took longer than expected to finish.
I'm a fan of thr two grill setup, also a fan of the E/EP/S330 - I wouldnt give up the sear station for the e410!
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