Getting More Bark on Butts



TVWBB Member
As many others do, I love the bark on my pulled pork. I was wondering if there are any techniques to getting more bark? Thoughts I had were buying smaller butts to have more surface area per pound or to cut a butt in half. Anyone tried this or other ideas?
Higher heat (275-300) plus higher sugar content in rub will do it. Make it brown or turbinado sugar at that. Layering some honey on top of the rub may be another option (haven't tried it myself).

From my understanding, sugar caramelizes to form bark. Higher temperatures would make this happen sooner, so (logically, it seems) the more of both the more bark you have.
John although I'm new to the art of smoking, your meat will definately hold more rub if you slather it in mustard first. Have you tried that yet? Trial and error, good luck.

Are you looking for greater quantity as you suggest by increasing surface area, or improving he quality. I prefer the quality I get without water in the pan. In fact my last without water I felt was going to be too barky.
. But wrapped in foil to hold softened it up to the perfect texture
more surface area, as you suggested, would work.

The "barkiest" ones I got were cooked around 275F & I forgot to rub them until I don't remember how long they were on the smoker (might not have even rubbed, might've just added to the pulled product). They were probably 7-9 # each & IIRC, finished in 10-12 hours. My memory is sketchy but I remember thinking how strange it was.... in a good way. I always (almost always) run a dry water pan.
Thanks for all of the great tips. I was happy with the quality of my bark I was just wanting more of it. As usual this board comes through in spades. Thanks for all your help and I can't wait to incorporate these ideas into my next smoke.

