Genesis Silver C Rehab Project


Steve Hufford

New member
Hello All:

I am working on a Genesis Silver C rehab project.

This is my first Weber grill. I was inspired to acquire a Weber grill after reading about and seeing other folks rehab projects here.

I have a few questions pertaining to how to get the built up carbon off the hood and what to use to cut through the built up dirt and grease. I have disassembled the top and cook box and have washed it with Dawn and it didn't even touch getting through some of the grease. I am guessing that I am going to need some kind of degreaser to really get that out. I worked on the hood a little bit and was able to get some of the carbon to come off in flakes but most of it is very stubborn. I would welcome any hints or techniques to get that removed.

The cook box is in good condition; it has a small hole in it on the right above where the second burner tube enters. I have been wondering if I can do anything to repair that or just leave it. Also, the bolt on the right hand side of the cook box has rusted off and am thinking I am going to have to drill that out and re tap it as it doesn't want to move even with a pair of vice grips on it.

The burners were shot so I am going to replace those. The igniter is shot so it needs replaced as well. Flavorizer bars and grates will eventually need replaced but are good for now.

I am not trying to make this a show room piece, just want to get it cleaned up and back to where it can give me some good grilling. I am going to paint the end caps of the hood and the cook box once I get it cleaned up.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated to get this greasy crud box cleaned up! I am also going to try to get some pictures out here when I can.


I've done a couple of rehabs lately and this is how I clean em' up. I got the biggest rubbermaid container I could find and filled it with water & an entire small bottle of Dawn. I let the pieces soak overnight then hit it with a copper scrubber. Any type of SOS pad just falls apart. I took the sides off of the lid and sprayed them with high temp BBQ paint. Even painted the frame as the joints/welds were showing signs I didn't like. Ol' Bessey is all back together and she couldn't be happier or look any better. :)
I worked on the lid today.

I went to HD and bought Zep Oven and Grill cleaner and Zep Citrus HD Degreaser. I sprayed the inside of the lid with oven cleaner and let it soak and then wiped with paper towel. That did remove quite a bit and then I removed the rest with a razor blade as I had read that others had used that with success. After getting all of the carbon and grease off I sprayed the inside with the Zep Degreaser and wiped it down again in case there was anything left. Then went over it with 0000 steel wool and it is now clean and nice and shiny, almost like new.

The outside wasn't in too bad of shape except on the back, so I sprayed the outside with Zep Degreaser several times and wiped it down and then went over it with 0000 steel wool and it looks great. It is amazing how that 0000 steel wool really makes it shine.

Tomorrow I will be soaking the end caps in Zep Degreaser and once those are clean will paint them with hi temp BBQ and put it all back together.

Thanks to everyone for their help and suggestions!

Yeah, I recently cleaned my 10 year old Summit with 0000 steel wool and it's fun to watch that baked on stuff just gradually disappear and the original shine come through.

Enjoy your project, and post some pics when you're done.
I also found additional holes in the cook box on the bottom ledges on the outside where it sits in the cart; emailed Weber customer service to see if they would cover it under the lifetime warranty for the aluminum castings and they will! They are shipping me out a new cook box. So now all I have to do is finish the lid parts and when the cook box gets here I can install the new burners and igniter and get cooking.

Weber is awesome! Who would have ever thought a ten year old grill would have parts still covered under a warranty....can't wait to cook on it!

A good 1" putty knife works well on the inside. Mine is an old Gold D with side burner. I used it yesterday for London Broil.
I use charcoal more often, but that side burner gets used a lot too. Here's to another 10 years!

