Genesis Silver A Manifold


Tim Paschal

New member
New to the forum and have a 13 year old Silver A. Just did some refurbishing. I had some tough spots in the frame and made some replacements for those areas. The 2 "arms" that hold the manifold to the cookbox are rusted out. I have looked high and low for a replacement manifold. I have it reengineered to work right now, but long term will probably need a new manifold or some welding done to the old. Any ideas on sourcing one? I have considered buying a used one to rob parts from and watching CL for one. Some of the deals don't look too bad and could upgrade and refurb it. :p
Does that grill have 2 rows of flavorizer bars or 1 row? If it's a 2 row grill and you can pull the fittings and valves off I think I have a bare manifold in good shape in the garage. Let me know
Tim --- what part of MD are you in? Come spring time, there are a number of gassers in this area for free. I don't even grab the Silver A's as I prefer to flip the 3 burner models. But if you need one, I'll keep an eye out for ya.
I do the same as Chad pick up old genesis 3 burners and refurb and flip them, but I do see a lot of older Silver A two burners for next to nothing or free. Here in Arizona rust is not allowed so most of them are filthy but in good condition. If you can't source one I'll watch for one and yank the manifold and ship to you for the cost of shipping. Or if you want a new one try here
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Thanks so much guys. Let me know and will send you the funds needed. Chad I am in Salisbury about 30 miles from Ocean City!

