Genesis II S240 LP Manifold



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Does any one know if a manifold from a regular Genesis II two burner will fit on a Genesis II LX two burner?
Also LX 240 has Infinity ignition built into each control. No button ignition. It has a button on the right of the control panel but that's for the knob lights
Very good to know Josh. I have dealt mostly with the Silver B/1000 grills in my time rehabbing and I am just starting to learn more about the newer generation. Clearly, if a guy wants to keep rehabbing and flipping grills, he is going to have to move into the newer models or face a slow death.
I'm always happy to help when ever I can.

Genesis ii have been good profit flips for me but obviously picking them up cheep is most important.

Costco sold the heck out of Genesis ii S-345 and those flip really well.
I’ve had a run of the Spirit’s showing up free. Only grabbed a couple but have only done deep cleans and flips on them. The last one I got has a valve that’s kind of wonky.

