Genesis II Model Question



New member
I have had a couple of $275 big box store type grills that last 6-8 years that have cooked not-spectacular (maybe that's why I didn't use them much). It is time to invest in a Top of the Line grill. I have narrowed it down to the Genesis II, E-310, S-310, & LX S-340 models. My questions may boil down to personal preference. I have researched as much as I can & have read the Genesis II sticky above.

I usually only grill 8-12 times per year. However with a nicer grill I can see myself getting more creative with cooking & recipes.

E-310 $699
S-310 $799
LX-S-340 $1,299

1) Is 6K additional BTU's significant (E/S vs LX)?

2) I have only cooked on metal grates. What is the benefit or difference in Porcelain vs SS cooking Grates (& flavorizer bars) E vs S & LX-S? This is a big question.

3) If well maintained, what is the life expectancy of Weber products? I'm concerned 8-10 years down the road getting parts.

The E & S models are pretty loaded. With the LX I don't need the side burners, enclosed cabinet, lighted knobs, etc... I live in Phx where it rains maybe 2X per year, nothing rusts. It will be kept outdoors & covered.

I know you get what you pay for, however If I can save $$ on items that will not benefit my needs, that's more $$ to spend elsewhere. I usually purchase quality items & take care of stuff.

I appreciate your feedback.
I would probably spring for the stainless. The porcelain is going to eventually crack up and rust. I can't say if the LX is worth it, but I'd think its not 1299 worth it. Weber is still selling some parts for 20 year old grills so my thinking is parts availability should be fine. I personally opted to restore an old genesis 1000. I love it.
I agree with Dustin. My first preference is an older weber. But if buying new i think you'll find a new genesis a huge upgrade from the cheaper grills you are used to.

I like the stainless grates better too. I think they are easier to maintain and more durable. But some people love the porcelain coated ones. And they can last for a number of years. You just have to be more careful with them.

Any of the listed models would probably serve you well.

