Genesis E320- Crossover tube not sending gas to middle tube quickly


RichB NH

So recently, I redid an E320, got a set on inexpensive burners off of amazon mostly for the crossover tube. I ended up installing the set of burners and it lights across the cross over tube only halfway between the first and middle burners. It will flicker back and forth and sometimes get up to the middle burner, but obviously this poses a safety concern. I've tried this with both the cheap burners and a set of OEM Weber burners that I got with the grill...

I tried adjusting the mixture cover but couldn't seem to get good results with that either

is this a regulator issue or something else?


This is with the middle burner turned on? You can't light the middle burner because the gas won't make it up the crossover tube?
well I light the first burner, and the flame doesn't travel all the way up the crossover tube like it has on most every other grill I've worked on. It lights about midway between the first and middle burner and will flicker on and off.

So if I turn the middle burner on, it doesn't light quickly enough to be safe, If i leave the middle burner on too long, it gives a big poof of flame.
I just went and lit my genesis 1000 to refresh my memory. Yes, the gas lights all the way across the crossover tube. I can even light the first burner and the last burner without first having the middle burner on. Maybe it's something with that aftermarket crossover tube. Do you still have a working Weber one to try it with? The last set of aftermarket burner tubes I bought I couldn't even use the crossover, it was too short. I suppose it could be the regulator also.
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On my Genesis OEM (actually original ones) if I run only front burner flame does not go all the way across on the XOver tube. Not on my dad's either. It's normal. Luck of the draw
On my Genesis OEM (actually original ones) if I run only front burner flame does not go all the way across on the XOver tube. Not on my dad's either. It's normal. Luck of the draw
Funny because that's what I was thinking too until I just went and looked at the grill I'm currently using. I was a little surprised the gas went all the way through the crossover with just the front burner on.
yeah but the middle and last burners don't light reliably and if you leave the knob on you get a large poof of flame. I've cleaned the valve and swapped it with another propane valve and I get the same behavior....Unfortunately I might have to bite the bullet and buy a better crossover tube I guess? I've used cheap burners or just the crossover once or twice and they have always been fine.

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Mine doesn't unless I light the rear burner. Same on my dad's Genesis 3000. I think it's related to wind if any, how far the XOver tube is inserted into the main burners, how it's mounted to center burner and so on

but the middle and last burners don't light reliably

The ones on mine and my dad's do. These are the only 2 I can reference though
I tried another I had on hand... No difference I'll see if i can get a brand new one. I guess stay away from the onlyfire brand tubes on Amazon, even if you're just looking for the crossover tube.
Mine doesn't unless I light the rear burner. Same on my dad's Genesis 3000. I think it's related to wind if any, how far the XOver tube is inserted into the main burners, how it's mounted to center burner and so on

but the middle and last burners don't light reliably

The ones on mine and my dad's do. These are the only 2 I can reference though
Same on my 1000

About halfway when front is on full.20220527_185939.jpg20220527_190018.jpg
Will do. I had 4 people interested but can't i sell it unless I'm comfortable with it's operation.

Is it possible that the crossover is a little long and impeding the gas flow?
The Weber cross burner tube has louvre like holes. Some of the cheapo cross burner tubes have round holes and are slightly smaller diameter for a poor fit.
I tried another I had on hand... No difference I'll see if i can get a brand new one. I guess stay away from the onlyfire brand tubes on Amazon, even if you're just looking for the crossover tube.
I bought the crossover tubes from grill parts DOT com. The one above is from there.
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I get the same results as DanHoo with my 320 running NG. Like yours, middle burner is slow to light, always has been. I always light front, rear, then center with no issues.

