Generic pan for Brinkman charcoal pan?

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Rita Y

TVWBB Emerald Member
Hi Folks,
I'm hoping to do a brisket this weekend and just phoned BBQ's Galore to look for the Brinkman #10 (P/N 114-0002-0) CHARCOAL pan to replace my smaller water pan -- all they carry are generic pans.

Does anyone have any experience with these? Do they fit the WSM? Are they as large as the Brinkman charcoal pan (that is, 2 gallons)?

Any recommendations?

I think they would work. What I would do is go into the store and find the WSM on display. Ask the help if they could put the pan in to see if it fits or call them up on the phone beforehand to save you a trip.

Good luck.

I bought a pan from BBQGALORE and I called before, maybe it is the same one.
Jeff, your answer came just in time - I was just leaving! Thanks for the help - I'll do what you suggest at the store and will let you know how it works out.

They did have the pan and I see it holds 1 quart less than 2 gallons. It was $9.95, but I was lucky - the pan under it was 1 or 2 dollars more.

Brisket must not be big in Atlanta. Two grocery stores had only about 3 pounders. I couldn't find any whole briskets at all, but Costco had a couple of 5-pound flats, so I'll go with those. I just hope that there's enough fat left on - about 1/8" in most, a few areas trimmed down to the meat. I was 15 minutes too late to get some beef fat trimmings that I wanted to lay on top of the briskets while smoking them, so we'll see what happens.

Thanks again for your post. Happy holiday!

[This message has been edited by Rita Y (edited 08-31-2001).]
Originally posted by Rita Y:
I just hope that there's enough fat left on - about 1/8" in most, a few areas trimmed down to the meat. I was 15 minutes too late to get some beef fat trimmings that I wanted to lay on top of the briskets while smoking them, so we'll see what happens.

Rita, you can use Bacon, the thick sliced variety, or salt pork on top of the flats
for an added fat cap. Put it on during the
latter part of the smoke when you think the meat might be starting to dry out. That'll
give the spices in yur rub a chance to do their stuff and for the smoke ring to fully form.

Couch Potato
Jim - Trying to make me feel bad?
(Just kidding) If I'd gone to Wal-Mart (not convienient anyway) it would have cost me $10.00 extra in gasoline - got stuck in holiday traffic you wouldn't believe, a serious problem in Atlanta every day, but holiday Fridays especially! With all the smoking I hope to do, I'll wear this pan out quickly, and I'll know where to go next. Thanks for the tip.

Couch - I'd thought about bacon or fatback but would have put it on from the beginning. I'm glad you suggested adding it later on - wouldn't have thought of that. It's rainy today - luckily I can put the project off until tomorrow. I don't have the courage or confidence yet for an overnighter, so will get up early so I can "mother" the process.

All the best,
Found some beef fat trimmings today - no charge, can't beat that! The pork products probably would have been fine, but I opted to stick with all beef - want my first brisket to be perfect.
Let us know how you prepared it and how it came out. I'm sure it will be great as you seem to have a passion for cooking.
Went out of town this past weekend... Went through 4 different towns that had a Wal Mart... I stopped at everyone looking for one of these Brinkman Charcoal pans... As luck would have it, the 4'th store had one pan !!! I got it for $3.96 !!! Couldn't believe it ! It wasn't the same "model" number as has been posted here though... It was model #812-0002-0 ... Fit perfect though, and it did say "Brinkman SMOKESHOP Charcoal Pan"
Now I'm ready for one of these all night smokes !!!
Have a great week !!
Gary in AR
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