Gas Grill on craigs list

Well that's kind of a personal choice

I have the enameled cast iron, argued by some to be the best. They hold heat very well, are durable, and are fairly non-stick. They do have some care issues - no SS brushes (brass) - no metal tools for cleaning (might chip). You can use metal tools to cook, just no scraping with a metal putty knife. I believe you can still get them @ Home Depot (like $69 list).

If I had it to do over I might go with the aftermarket SS (ebay - rcplanebuyer). They're heavy duty & I could use SS/metal tools. They ain't cheap @ close to $100 shipped (heavy).

But that's just me - I grill 300+ days a year, every year. The amount of/ease of care is a big issue for me. For lighter use the $35 enameled steel might be fine - can buy a lot of meat for the $$$ difference.
I bbq every chance I get. I am on a forum dedicated to bbq
. I am sure SS gets hot enough, but I have bad luck with cast iron.
I decided to pick it up and I am sure I won't be disappointed. I wanted something quickly and didn't want to wait to find the craigs list score of the year. I paid 100.00 for it.

There is rust on the inside but it is all related to the flavor bars and grates. The burners are in great looking shape.
It is also missing the thermometer. Any ideas on what route i should go? Maybe drill the hole out and get a better one?

I stopped off at the home depot before I came home to buy a scraper to clean the rust off. I did see stainless flavor bars and stainless grates by weber. I will check out the links you guys already posted(i think there were links) for aftermarket or online cheaper units.

I cleaned it all up best I could internally then I sprayed it heavily with pam just to coated any potential rust. I put it on high and let it sing. WOW, this gets HOT. I have never had a gasser that got this hot, let alone this fast. Hoping this will be one of the last gassers I ever buy(unless I buy a house after college and decide for a weber on steroids unit). I really like the left to right burners vs the front and back. Seems like it should be a lot more even heating.

I hope to post pics after I clean it up.

I'd just replace it with the $9 therm that's pretty much just for ballparking temps. Grilling = high & fast cooking = not a lot of need for accurate temps.

I received my ebay flavorizer bars Friday - they are much heavier than the Weber version. Cost less w/ shipping = that would be my choice.

FWIW - the only things that can rust are the burners, grates, flavorizer bars, and cart. Lid is enameled & aluminum, the cook box is all aluminum, and the manifold is brass.
I contacted the ebay guy about picking them up to hopefully save a few more bucks. I head up to SF all the time, as that is where he is.

Thinking about going with the SS grates and bars.

I don't think you'll be dissappointed. I did basically the same as you / paid about the same.

It is THE BEST gas-grill I've ever owned. It's totally above the league of my dad's fairly high-end Dukane, which does not get hot enough.

Would I have preferred a brand-new Summit with five burners - You bet! But at the moment, I needed a new grill and could not justify spending the bucks on a new one (too many other projects that are higher on the financial to-do list). I do not feel that I compromized all that much - I spent a C-note vs. a K-note, and got comparable cooking capability. Plus, a used Weber is still wwwaaayyy better than any brand-new cheapo. Plus, it will last - I will definitely get my Franklin out of it!

I'm certain that your experience will be the same.

The porcelain-coated (original Weber) flavorizer bars are still in good shape in mine (she's an "oldie", but I don't think she was used too many times). I'm going to get the stainless rod-stock grates soon, and will upgrade the flavorizer bars when the old ones let-out their last gasp.
Glad to hear all the goods about this grill.

I need new grates BAD. I might possibly be able to salvage the flavor bars for now.

They are just rusty(more surface than anything, but some parts have been eaten away on the edges).

I really like the ebay grates, but when i check it out this morning i noticed that the rust was too much for me. Ill probably just run by the depot and pick up a set of the SS and hope they last me until i finish school(i am sure they will)

