From Cat5 to USB to DIN Custom Heatermeter


John Bostwick

TVWBB Wizard
A while back, I started a post about a 5 Custom Heatermeters I am building for a customer, originally it was replacing the Cat5 cable(8-wire) with a USB3.0 Type A(9 wire+outer cover). This was to be able to add all 3 meat probes and Thermocouple to an adapter board that will be inside a junction box that the customer is building.

Well, after making the first of 5 boards, I soon realized that USB3.0 just does not make a good solid connection on the very small contact pads inside the connector and just the slightest touch would loose connection, that was scraped.

The customer brought up using a 9pin audio DIN connector and it was something I had totally forgot about and I thought it would work great and so I redid the boards and I think they turned out pretty good.

I also designed the boards to work with an adapter board without using any added wiring. Each board has a 3 pin header that you can either solder a pin header or a switch, which mouser carries for about $1

Next to the DIN I added a solder pad, that pad is attached to the outer covering of the cable. It can be either grounded or used for something else or not at all.

The customer is making the cases for the 5 boards and once he finishes the build I will see if I can get some pics

Some pics



Switch header can be seen just above the Atmega, the customer will be adding a switch

