Fridge temp for curing - wildly confusing and contradicting instruction


A Kokkinos

New member
Hi to all,
after going through this forum I noted down that proper curing fridge temperature is 2-4 degrees Celsius. Today I visited this site and the temperature given is 10-13 degrees Celsius. Am I missing something? BTW, I have 2 slabs of bacon curing in a fridge for the past 2 days (first attempt) and I keep the temperature at 3 degrees. Do I need to correct this?

This is the site with the high temps:

Thank you all

The lower temperature is required for safety's sake when cure and salt are applied to the meat and become distributed throughout the meat (curing), the higher temperature is for drying, aging and developing flavors in the meat after the cure has been applied at low temperatures (dry curing).

I hope that makes sense as written.

Thanks Martin - I kinda panicked when reading that and failed to realize the difference you note - sort of a newbie stupid mistake. Thanks once again.

As long as the temperature at which you're curing is nice and cold equal to a cold glass of water, you're okay.
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You will need a temp and humidity control.

sounds like you got the proper response to this. Your bacon will cure at 3-4C. If you want to dry it into pancetta for example the appropriate temp is about 8-11C. I use 10C for my drying fridge.

