Friday Nite Burgers and PiggyMelon


Mike Coffman

TVWBB Olympian
Wanted something quick and easy for dinner tonight, so picked up 12 hamburger patties, that I had cut to about 1" thick. Dusted with Penzeys BBQ 3000 and Northwoods Fire.

Just as I was getting them on the ROL, it started raining. So much for the nice weather to continue from yesterday. But rain or shine, the cook goes on!

Picked up a supposed to be seedless watermelon to go along with dinner. Wanted to try out my new "piggy" cookie cutter, so named them "PiggyMelon".

Put some pepperjack, colby jack and sharp cheddar on just before the burgers were ready to come off the grill.

Here's your plate.

And here's your plate.

Burgers were juicy and very flavorful! Was surprised at the nice smoke ring on these burgers. Watermelon was very sweet! Everyone enjoyed dinner and I think there may be 2 burgers left from the original 12.

Thanks for looking!
Wow Mike, great looking burger cook!

Wish I was your neighbor. I'd be visiting quite often!

